Cornell Bowers College of Computing and Information Science

Proposal Process

Sponsored Research Administration Center Web Page

If you plan on submitting a proposal, please contact SRAC as soon as possible and at least two weeks prior to the due date. Below we provide an overview of the proposal process and internal deadlines. Please note that these deadlines ensure that SRAC and OSP have enough time to carefully review and submit the proposal materials. We want each and every proposal that is submitted to have the best chance for success, and these deadlines help us make sure that happens.

For more detailed information on the proposal process, as well as resources to help build your proposal (e.g., approved BPC plan, standard data management plan, budget rates) please login to Box with your Cornell credentials to access SRAC's Box folder.

If you are new to Cornell or have not submitted a proposal in a while:

  1. Check that you have access to the submission portal and if not, set up the appropriate access immediately
    1. Many submission portals (e.g., require that the PIs (Co-PIs/Senior Personnel) have a profile and user ID. Please be sure that you have the required credentials as soon as you plan on submitting.
    2. Contact if you need assistance. 
  2. Check that you have a profile on SciENcv and that all SRAC employees are delegates (
    1. If you do not have a profile or SRAC is not a delegate, please set this up immediately
    2. Directions for how to login to SciENcv (use 3rd party option - Cornell University) and delegate to SRAC staff can be found here.

Funding opportunities can be found on Cornell's Office of Sponsored Programs Website.

NSF CAREER Tool Kit is a new resource available to faculty. This kit includes workshop recordings, writing templates, tips for crafting the Education Plan and Broader Impacts, and more to help faculty craft competitive proposals for NSF's Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER).